MyWay Digital Health eLearning
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General comments
My Type 2 Diabetes: The Online Education Course
Considering an Insulin Pump?
My Insulin Pump: The Online Education Course
My Gestational Diabetes: The Online Education Course
Understanding type 1 diabetes
Growing up with type 1 diabetes
Please leave any feedback below
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Consent for sharing
I agree to allowing the My Diabetes My Way team to monitor how my diabetes test have changed to assess the effectiveness of this course.
I agree
I do not agree
Your healthcare team would like to know that you are undertaking this eLearning course. We would like to inform them that you have undertaken this eLearning course.
I agree to you letting my health care team know that I have completed this course.
I do not agree to you letting my health care team know that I have completed this course.
GP Practice
Home Postcode
Pre-course Questionnaire
Please confirm which of the following apply to you:
I am a person with type 1 diabetes
I am a family member or carer of a person that has diabetes
I am a healthcare professional
I am none of the above
Please confirm which of the following apply to you:
I am a person with type 1 diabetes
I am a person with type 2 diabetes
I am a person with gestational diabetes
I am a person at risk of developing type 2 diabetes
I am a family member or carer of a person that has diabetes
I am a healthcare professional
I am none of the above
On a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree, please answer the statements below:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I am satisfied with my life
I know enough about my health
I manage my diabetes well
Goal Setting
What would you like this course to help you achieve?
Some of the things people write about areā¦ eating healthier, giving up smoking, taking better control of blood glucose levels, attending scheduled check-up appointments or increasing physical activity - whatever is appropriate for you.
How important is it for you to reach the goals you have set?
Very unimportant
Very important
How are you going to reach your goals?
What might stop you from reaching your goals and how can you overcome these barriers?
How confident do you feel in achieving what you would like to?
Very unconfident
Very confident
Year of diagnosis
Please click the submit button below
What might stop you form making these changes?
Post-course Questionnaire
Please confirm which of the following apply to you:
I am a person with type 1 diabetes
I am a person with type 2 diabetes
I am a person with gestational diabetes
I am a person at risk of developing type 2 diabetes
I am a family member or carer of a person that has type 2 diabetes
I am a healthcare professional
I am none of the above
Please confirm which of the following apply to you:
I am a person with type 1 diabetes
I am a family member or carer of a person that has type 2 diabetes
I am a healthcare professional
I am none of the above
On a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree, please answer the statements below:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The course was useful
The course had all the information I expected
The course was easy to follow
The course helped me to improve my knowledge of treatment of diabetes
The course has helped me to set my own diabetes goals
My learning was enhanced by sharing information with other people with diabetes or listening to their stories
On a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree, please answer the statements below:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
The course has motivated me around managing my diabetes
The course has improved my confidence around managing my diabetes
I will make a change to the way I manage my diabetes as a result of this course
The course has improved my overall health and wellbeing
I am satisfied with my life
I know enough about my health
I manage my diabetes (or risk of diabetes) well
Is there anything that you found particularly enjoyable or useful in this course?
Is there anything you would like to see improved on this course?
Any other feedback?
Please click the submit button below
Pre-course Questionnaire (T1DM)
Please confirm which of the following apply to you:
I am a person with type 1 diabetes
I am a family member or carer of a person that has type 1 diabetes
I am a healthcare professional
On a scale of strongly disagree to strongly agree, please answer the statements below:
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
I am satisfied with my life
I know enough about my health
I manage my diabetes well
What would you like this course to help you achieve?
Some of the things people write about areā¦ eating healthier, giving up smoking, taking better control of blood glucose levels, attending scheduled check up appointments or increasing physical activity.
How important is it for you to reach the goals you have set?
Very unimportant
Very important
How are you going to reach your goals?
What might stop you from reaching your goals and how can you overcome these barriers?
How confident do you feel in achieving what you would like to?
Very unconfident
Very confident
Year of diagnosis?
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Please click the submit button below
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