Weight management: Pre-course questionnaire

Weight management: Pre-course questionnaire

Decades of research show that setting goals can help you achieve success. As you start the course, we want to help you think about what your health goals might be.

Health goals won’t be the same for everyone. You might want to learn more about how to change your diet to improve your health. Maybe it’s finding out how you can incorporate more physical activity in your life. Perhaps reducing emotional eating is important to you.

Use the questions below to take stock of what you know about weight management so far and reflect on how you manage your health and how it affects you. Think about what goals might be right for you. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure about some answers, we will check in at the end of the course and again down the line to see how you’re getting on.

Note: This course is for people who want help with weight management. If that’s not you, we do not recommend you continue with this course.

Please complete the questionnaire below:


  1. Comment by sean- 38583 on 16/08/2024 at 3:50 PM

    I need the will power like I did when giving up smoking 16 yes ago

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