Interact: Callum’s experience

Interact: Callum’s experience

This is an interactive activity that asks you to read about Callum’s experience of going on holiday with friends for the first time.  As you work through the activity, you’ll be asked some questions on how well you feel Callum is managing his diabetes.  If you need to look go back at any point,  just click the topic progress indicators.

Callum is 18 years old and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes four years ago. He manages his diabetes with multiple daily injections (MDI).  His blood glucose control isn’t too bad – he has occasional hypos due to misjudging carb ratios or doing extra exercise as he’s normally quite active and plays a lot of sports in his free time.

Callum plans to go backpacking around Europe with his friends for three weeks over the summer holidays.  His friends are aware that he has diabetes but they don’t know much more than that.  He doesn’t really like people to know that he has diabetes so he doesn’t wear any form of medical ID.

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